We would like to introduce our company and request to provide us an opportunity to serve you with our quality Environmental Services. Our Journey so far is, in 2014 Mrs. Bhakti Mandke & Mr. Vipin Gunthe formed Rheaa Consultancy Services with a vision of one point solution.

RCS gradually grew in market and soon in 2015 a new company Rheaa CiviTech Pvt. Ltd. was formed.

We are now one of the leading name in the market who provide wide spectrum of technical services for Real Estate and Infrastructure sector.

There are four core divisions MEP Engineering Services, Environmental Services, Traffic Engineering Solutions and environmental, social, and governance (ESG)

Our vision is to serve the engineering, architectural and management services to our esteemed clients to its best usage with the inclusion of value based approach, innovation and creativity.

Our mission is to make RGC a one stop for an array of engineering, architectural and management services with worthy contributions to the industry and where everybody is treated with top most respect and kindness for their honest, hard and dedicated efforts.



Rheaa Civitech Pvt. Ltd.(RCPL) is committed to render high quality environmental services, conducting thorough Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies and preparation of EIA/EMP reports to obtain environmental clearance, with professional excellence and continual improvement. RCPL always strive to exceed customer’s satisfaction, which incorporates expectation on quality, time, and value for fees and work which is in line with Rules & Regulations framed by concerned Government authorities and any quality requirements expressed by state / central Environmental Committees as well as to provide better quality services as per IS/ISO 9001:2015 and NABET Requirements and keeping in balance interests of all concerned stakeholders.

This policy provides a framework for setting objectives and subject to review from time to time depending on the regulatory and customer requirements.

 RCPL ensures that the quality policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels in the organization. Quality Policy is circulated to all the employees of RCPL and also made it available for reference on the office system electronically. A summary document is also available on the Company website. The RCPL team is regularly updated and improved about quality policy as well as maintaining quality at every step during the entire project life by providing continued training programs.


Date: 15.02.2021                                                                                       


Integrity: As Individuals and as a Company, we conduct our business with honesty, trustworthiness, dedication and responsibility. We are truthful and fair in all our dealings, and respect laws of the countries we operate in and confidentiality of information provided by our clients and employees.

Entrepreneurship: We anticipate, identify and seize all possible opportunities for creating value and growth. Proactive and adaptable to changes in the marketplace, we prize innovation, creativity and the ability to think out of the box.

Quality: We are committed to consistently delivering quality world class engineering services to our customers. We execute our work professionally with competency, expertise and thoroughness, and take pride in a job well done.

Group Spirit: We recognize and value the contribution of each and every one of our colleagues. We help one another and work together as a team for the good of the Rheaa Group of Companies.

  • Dynamic and highly motivated Team
  • All team members are highly qualified
  • High level of quality standards
  • Adherence to six sigma Management techniques
  • Wide spectrum of engineering services offered
  • Emphasis on SOLUTIONS rather than problems
  • Reasonable pricing of the services
  • Committed to TIMELY DELIVERY of the projects
  • Large number of reputed companies as clients
  • High level of client satisfaction
  • Assured after sales service
  • Good liaison and rapport with sanctioning authorities at local, state and national level
  • Major technical services under one roof
  • Opportunity for client to do better financial and resources planning.


Bhakti Mandke

A Post Graduate in Environmental Engineering from Pune University. She has done her Bachelors in Civil Engineering & also done PGD in finance Management from Indira Institute of Management and PGD in Project Management from NICMAR. She is having more than two decades of experience. She is an approved EIA coordinator by NABET, QCI for Building and Construction Projects. She is a lifetime Member of Indian Plumbing Association & also she is elected committee member for IPA Pune. Her expertise is with various Environmental Assignment. She has worked with various reputed organizations in Mumbai and Pune. She also has received the most prestigious real women award in season 2.

Vipin Gunthe

A Post Graduate in Environmental Engineering from Pune University. He has done his Bachelors in Civil Engineering & also done PGD in finance Management from Indira Institute of Management and PGD in Project Management from NICMAR. He is having 18 years of experience and worked in various types of project like Industrial project, IT projects, Hotel project and Residential projects. He has worked in Project and Design department in various organizations in Mumbai and Pune. Currently he is handling projects in Design department, Environmental Assignments, Air Quality Modeling and Traffic Impact Studies. He is also a lifetime Member of Indian Plumbing Association ,having membership number L-3025.He is also a  ESG certified Professional

Shrikant V Soman (Corporate Director)

Mr. Shrikant Soman is a senior management professional with multifaceted top management experience in various industries at national as well as international level. He has been CEO of Bhatia Hospital, Tardeo, Mumbai. He has also officiated as CFO of Breach Candy Hospital, Asian Heart Institute, Mahalaxmi Race Course, Holiday Inn, TEXMACO and many other reputed organisations. He brings with him expertise in good systems and quality assurance.


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